Senin, 08 Oktober 2012


This is a band of friends from Kediri, about a playboy with a woman, both upfront that bad in the back, using a3 paper sketches with pencil and pen drawing a settlement with the size of 0.3 and 0.1, and I use Photoshop and Photoscape to edit it, without adding to the media software, coloring and thickening may be just outside the line, thinking only, without imitating or copy

(real interest)

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012


design for a class group, depicting a bird flying facing downwards (ie a higher bottom is always attentive, not overbearing and not to show off), use a pencil to sketch and using Photoshop and Photoscape for the settlement

(real interest)

sarcasm grindcore

design for sarcasm, grincore band from Kediri, which means disillusionment with officials, who increasingly want to be elevated, regardless of who is exalted? simple people, use a pencil to sketch and uses Photoshop and Photoscape for the settlement (only the coloring, lighting, thickening the line only)

(real interest)

Mata tak ingin berhenti menatap arah kertas dan tangan yang berirama menbentuk makna, kemauan datang saat sesuatu kan memaksa !