Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Paint Pain Your Brain

Design for my friend in Kediri, he's make a entrepreneurship that is Motor Paint.


Selasa, 05 Februari 2013


Artwork NOISEGEAR GRINDCORE from Kediri East Java about localitation

Senin, 14 Januari 2013

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

BONSAI (there are many benefits, but cultivated)

an event that changes the texture of the plant is minimized for the sake of beauty, but in terms of the benefits any less. the main benefit is to produsi oxygen plants, many normal plants but still global warming. what if it's small and beautiful plants propagated.

rizal.thrive @ yahoo.com (real interest)

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TOY-BAND(band just for games)

    the influence of the band are now very much for the youth. from every genre, but many youth who deviate from the purpose and intent of the band. This is not sarcastic or blasphemous, too understand.

    rizal.thrive @ yahoo.com (real interest)

      guilty-rooted(kejahatan yang terus diulang)

      errors occurring state officials repeated, they never ashamed of mistakes and they keep repeating

      rizal.thrive @ yahoo.com (real interest)

      Noisegear Tour


      a very rich but never split on the underlying assets. they are like animals who never shared in each other. animals better than they are, animals are still thankful to God, but they? may be grateful to luck.

      rizal.thrive @ yahoo.com (real interest)

      face tree